Are YOU prepared to take your Brotherhood in Illinek Lodge?
Scroll down for more information on the Brotherhood Level
Transitioning to Brotherhood is considered sealing your membership with our order. By earning the second level of membership, it shows that you have a true dedication for the Order of the Arrow.
If you plan on obtaining your Brotherhood the requirements are:
1. Dues must be paid through the current year ($15, or $16 if you haven't paid in the last 2 years or more)
2. $20 for Brotherhood sash
3. Letter to Lodge Secretary explaining why they should be Brotherhood or what they plan on doing to improve the Lodge (letter does not have to be very long and member can bring the letter with them to the event)
4. Must have been an Ordeal Member for at least 6 months
Scouts taking their Brotherhood, should wear their Scout uniform with their Ordeal sash.
We hope to see a good crowd take the next step in their journey by earning their Brotherhood at the next Transition!
Dear Ordeal Member:
It has been 10 months since your induction into Ordeal membership in Illinek Lodge. You may now seal your membership in the OA through the Brotherhood ceremony if you have continued faithfully to serve your fellow man and have completed the following requirements:
• Maintained your registered membership in Scouting,
• Maintained your registered membership in the Order of the Arrow,
• Memorized the Obligation, the Order of the Arrow Official Song, the Admonition, the sign of Ordeal membership, and the Arrow handclasp, and
• Gained a thorough understanding of the Ordeal through which you have passed. (See “The
Ordeal” section in the Order of the Arrow Handbook.)
It is important not only that you meet the above requirements but that you feel you are prepared for the Brotherhood. To signify your desire to seal your membership as a Brotherhood member, please write a letter to the lodge secretary expressing your feelings. In your letter:
• Explain what you think the Obligation means,
• Describe how you have been fulfilling this Obligation in your unit and in your daily life, and
how you have used your understanding of the Ordeal to aid in your service, and
• Describe your specific plans for giving future service to the lodge program.
Our Brotherhood Ceremony fee is $20. This payment covers the new sash.
Your first opportunity for the Brotherhood ceremony will be at our next Ordeal, Brotherhood, & Fellowship Weekend! (check for the latest information).
If you are prepared to make this important decision for yourself, we will welcome you at the ceremony. Please let us know of your intention so preparations can be made for all those who attend.
Please feel free to contact Ethan Short with any questions you may
have. They may be reached at or (217) 836 - 1031.
Yours in Brotherhood,
Ethan Short
Lodge Secretary
Illinek Lodge #132
Check Here for Upcoming Ordeal/Brotherhood Events!
LEC Meeting
One Day of Service
Transitioning to Brotherhood is considered sealing your membership with our order. By earning the second level of membership, it shows that you have a true dedication for the Order of the Arrow.
If you plan on obtaining your Brotherhood the requirements are:
1. Dues must be paid through the current year ($15, or $16 if you haven't paid in the last 2 years or more)
2. $20 for Brotherhood sash
3. Letter to Lodge Secretary explaining why they should be Brotherhood or what they plan on doing to improve the Lodge (letter does not have to be very long and member can bring the letter with them to the event)
4. Must have been an Ordeal Member for at least 6 months
Scouts taking their Brotherhood, should wear their Scout uniform with their Ordeal sash.
We hope to see a good crowd take the next step in their journey by earning their Brotherhood at the next Transition!